bruno neiva

texto curado 5.2 (homenagem a Tom Phillips)

bruno neiva is a text artist and poet. Author of Servant Drone (w/ Paul Hawkins, KFS), washing-up (zimZalla), averbaldraftsone&otherstories (KFS) and dough (erbacce press), amongst other titles. More of his work has appeared elsewhere in mags and anthologies. His ongoing projects include:

'Laboratory of Experimental Textual Practices': a course on experimental writing at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto.
'topoi': a collaboration with Canadian poet and artist Chris Turnbull that includes text, visual art, video production and installation. (2015 -).
'The museum of boughs': an ongoing, itinerant museum dedicated to boughs, composed of intermedia installations (2014 -).
'Servant Drone': a collaborative poetry and performance project with English poet Paul Hawkins. (2014 -).

You can find more of bruno’s work at: http://brunoneiva.weebly.com/
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